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Kamini Bhasin

Kamini Bhasin has been a successful designer , serial Entrepreneur for over 35 years. Having set up 3 of her own  businesses and been partner in two family businesses, Kamini is a high performance coach and mentor with a mission to help working and aspiring entrepreneurs, to become successful and inspiration for others. She  deeply tries to understand the core  issues  of her  clients and draws up an action plan for her clients to get the Desired Outcomes.

As a certified NLP Master Practitioner, besides other certifications, Kamini uses the NLP principles  and her own valuables experience as an Entrepreneur and Individual to work on the Mind Set and skill sets of her clients to accelerate their growth as individuals and as Leaders  to lead their enterprises to success.

Books of Kamini Bhasin

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By: Kamini-Bhasin ₹ 199 ₹ 238.8