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Silent Roselings

By: Parwez Sheetal

Book By Parwez Sheetal

Details :   

ISBN - 978-93-91078-46-1

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 158, Language - English

Price  -   Rs. 249/- Only

Category - Fiction/General

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days




This slim book has fewer than a hundred poems, but their sum and substance qualify them to be counted, qualitatively, to be more than a hundred. Short and intense, Indeed, almost all are but they exhibit a unique method of seeing and treating a phenomenon, a person, or an incident at once with the immediacy of occurrence and with its socio-cultural background. The result is prodigious because the reader also feels like the spectator. - (Prof. Dr.) Satyapal Anand, USA.

About Author

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Parwez Sheetal

Parwez Sheetal is a very versatile, dynamic,dashing and tender poet. He is a well known poet and critic of both Urdu and Hindi. His writings have already been appeared in well reputed  and established literary  magazines in India and abroad and broadcast from All India Radio. He did his graduation, post graduation and B.Ed. from Vinoba University Hazaribagh ,Jharkhand. He is a teacher. And he has been teaching for more than twenty years.


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